As part of ongoing campaigns with both the UK and
Ireland, Tesco wanted a dedicated web page for each promotion they ran. It
needed to contain key information about the brand, range and offer as well as
how the customer can participate.
To keep consistency throughout the various campaigns, I
created a clear design template whereby I categorised content to make it user
friendly. Coloured coded tabs were used to highlight each section of
information and allowed for additional tabs next to them to reveal further
information dependant on users needs. The tabbed categories allowed for a
simple solution for mobile devices and kept the web page un-cluttered. As a
result of this design, applying each campaigns styling was time efficient for
myself and to the client for uploading to their server. As time went on the
structure was adapted to tie in with Tescos new web design, but my original
structure remained the same.
Designed at TCC.